5 things everyone gets wrong about visitor management systems

Visitor Management Systems (VMS) were an obscure office efficiency tool for quite some time. After living in the shadows of more mainstream mechanisms such as payroll software, communication hubs and project management platforms for so long, VMS are finally getting higher traction. What’s hugely contributing to that is the fact that companies are placing more emphasis on their security and safety. And I mean that in a broad aspect. They are not only interested in safeguarding their sites and physical assets from invaders, but also their intellectual property and human capital.

With VMS’s awareness increasing and people finally familiarising themselves with what they are, more and more companies find that they could benefit from this sort of service. However, with that come several questions that pop-up in customers’ mind. Most people jump the gun and take industry misconceptions as true. With that in mind, we are going to clarify some of the most common misconceptions surrounding visitor management systems. If you know of another myth that is not listed below, feel free to tweet your suggestion at us (twitter.com/teamgodotco)!

1. Only large companies need VMS, smaller companies can stick to sign in books

In the ranking of most common myths regarding VMS, this one is an absolute winner.
Many people believe that software based visitor management is only suitable for enterprise sized companies. Those with the gigantic office conglomerates and fancy kitchen facilities.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
In reality, companies of all sizes have something to gain from VMS and you don’t have to receive tens of visitors a day to enjoy them. In fact, most VMS providers have different plans ranging from basic to super sophisticated in order to cater for organisations of all sizes.
Here’s how small companies can benefit from VMS:
Own data you can rely on: say goodbye to illegible handwriting and human mistake when inputting data
Cut down costs: a VMS can streamline you reception, so your employees can focus on more important tasks
Enhance your branding: add your logo to your sign-in kiosk and make it an extension of your brand
The wow factor: your business relationships begin at your reception. So, why would you miss a chance to make a positive first impression? VMS can help you show your visitors that they’re dealing with a modern and professional company
Create an extra layer of security: no matter how big or small your business is, securing your organisation’s assets is always at the top of the mind.
Now you might be thinking to yourself, “but isn’t that going to cost thousands?”, which brings us to the next point.

2. VMS are expensive

Smaller companies tend to turn away at the mere mention of visitor management systems, thinking that kind of investment doesn’t fit their pockets. People believe they need to spend a fortune to implement this system, but they are mistaken.
As we mentioned before, VMS providers have different plans targeting organisations of diverse proportions. As a consequence, these plans have a variety of pricing points that can suit any budget.
VMS can range from zero to thousands of dollars a month depending on the complexity of your company’s necessities such as how many sites you need to cover, what kind of integrations you need and whether you require personalisation.
If your company only receives a couple a visitor a day you can go with a cheaper version. If you welcomes tens or hundreds of visitors a day you’d probably want to go with a more complete version.

3. How about data security?

People might feel puzzled as to where their data goes to after it’s entered into the system. Who can access it? How is it used? Is it safe from attackers?
The answer is: your data is safe. Commonly, visitor management systems use measures such as data encryption and cloud storage to make sure all data safe and sound. In addition, nobody but you can use your data for anything.
If you want to know more about this you can read this article we wrote addressing data security in more detail.

4. VMS require complex installation

Visitor management systems are designed to be a straightforward solution and make your life easier. Therefore, VMS they required minimal installation, unlike most people think. Most VMS setup processes consist of four different:

  1. Create and account
  2. Choose a system administrator
  3. Download the app on your iPad or similar device
  4. Connect the iPad to a bluetooth printer

After installation is completed you can start inputting your staff members’ details and design your terminal. Once that’s done you should be good to go!
It’s a hassle free process and can be done by just about anyone.

5. Only IT professionals can use VMS

Like stated previously, visitor management systems can be used by anyone and you don’t have to be a tech geek to understand it. However, to ensure everything runs smoothly, you might want to go through a demo session with your provider of choice and read their user guides.
After that is done, you should have no problem using your system.

Bonus Round!

6. Once I pay for it, I’m stuck with this company forever

Many people avert the decision of implementing a Visitor Management System because they feel it’s a big commitment. They think they will be “chained” to that solution once they make it.
In reality, the situation is the complete opposite.
Visitor management systems are distributed in a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis, which means that you pay as you go and cancel whenever you want to. So if it works for you, you can keep going. And if it doesn’t, you’re free to go. On top of being a cost effective distribution model, SaaS doesn’t put a burden on your shoulders.

So here’s to sum it up for you

  1. Companies of all sizes can benefit from VMS and there are different plans to cater for them
  2. VMS are only as cheap or as expensive as you need them to be
  3. Your data is always encrypted, stored safely and cannot be others
  4. VMS are easy to install and only take a few minutes
  5. These systems can be used by people with any kind of proficiency in technology
  6. VMS are SaaS, meaning you pay as you go

If you want to give VMS a go, start your Teamgo trial. It’s free!

Exploring the Essential Features of a Visitor Management System

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency and security are paramount, especially when managing visitors to your premises. A modern Visitor Management System (VMS) is more than just a digital check-in tool; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to streamline your operations and enhance your security protocols. Let’s dive into the key features

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